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Title of Works
Talley Fisher
City of Origin
Bellefonte, PA
Sculpture; Coated Perforated Aluminum
Year Completed
Location of Artwork
Pedestrian Bridge
Artwork Description
Inspired by the varied landscapes of New Jersey, the suspended sculpture is comprised of meandering waves, paying homage to the state’s expansive coastline and numerous waterways. The two sections of sculpture can be seen as “bookends” of the pedestrian bridge, much like the Delaware River and Atlantic Ocean are to the state. The sculpture visually breaks up the long expanse of bridge and creates a memorable, welcoming encounter for all. The colors utilize the abundant natural light, and moiré patterns are created when two perforated elements overlap, giving the illusion of movement.
Artist Background
Talley Fisher specializes in suspended sculpture for public, corporate, and private spaces across the country and around the world. She draws inspiration from her deep interest in science and the natural world. Her sculptures often suggest themes from nature, with visually powerful objects that are quite transparent and lightweight. In an interesting contrast, she uses industrial materials and technologies to render the natural forms seen in her artwork. This contrast opens these artworks to many interpretations.